Basic information on International Climate Policy (click for read & download):

Evaluation of climate change impacts, vulnerability and adaption,
Axel Michaelowa

The post-2012 negotiation process: Key actory, views and trends,
Axel Michaelowa

The negotiation process, negotiation strategies and coalitions,
Axel Michaelowa

Theory of national instruments of climate policy,
Axel Michaelowa

The Kyoto Protocol and its mechanisms,
Axel Michaelowa

Klimaveränderung - Warnzeichen,
Axel Michaelowa

EU climate policy,
Axel Michaelowa

Emission reductions in industrialized countries and their impacts on developing countries,
Axel Michaelowa

The Stern Review,
Axel Michaelowa

CDM: the reality behind the rules,
Axel Michaelowa